How to draw xxtenations face step by step

How to draw xxtenations face step by step

Learning how to draw xxtenations face

Drawing can be a great way to pass the time and express creativity. It can also be a great way to learn and practice a new skill. Drawing Xxtenations face is no exception. Drawing Xxtenations face requires patience, practice and the right steps. In this article, we’ll explain the steps on how to draw Xxtenations face step by step.

Step One: Sketch an Outline of the Face

The first step in drawing Xxtenations face is to create an outline of the face. Start by drawing a circle to represent the head. Then, draw a curved line around the circle to form the jaw. Add two curved lines below the jaw to create the neck. Finally, draw a horizontal line across the face to represent the eyes. To help make the outline more accurate, you can use a ruler or a compass.

Step Two: Draw the Features

The next step is to draw the features of the face. Start by drawing two circles for the eyes and two lines for the eyebrows. Then, draw the nose, mouth and ears. Finally, add details such as eyelashes, freckles, and hair. Make sure to draw the features in the same proportions as the outline.

Step Three: Shade the Drawing

The third step is to shade the drawing. Start by adding basic shading to the features and the face. Then, add details such as shadows and highlights. Finally, use a blending tool such as a cotton swab or a blending stump to blend the shading.

Step Four: Add Color

The fourth step is to add color to the drawing. Start by adding basic colors to the features and the face. Use a variety of colors to make the drawing more vibrant. Then, add details such as highlights and shadows. Finally, use a blending tool such as a cotton swab or a blending stump to blend the colors.

Step Five: Final Touches

The last step is to add some final touches to the drawing. Start by adding details such as wrinkles and lines. Then, add the background and any other elements that you think would bring the drawing to life. Finally, use a blending tool such as a cotton swab or a blending stump to blend the colors.

Bringing the Drawing to Life

Learning how to draw Xxtenations face is a fun and rewarding experience. With each step, you’ll be able to bring the drawing closer to completion. Drawing Xxtenations face requires patience, practice and the right steps. Just remember to take your time, be patient and have fun with it. With enough practice and dedication, you’ll be able to create a beautiful and accurate drawing of Xxtenations face.

In addition to helping you learn how to draw Xxtenations face, this article can also help you learn how to draw other faces as well. You can also use the same steps outlined in this article to draw other characters, animals or objects. With enough practice, you’ll soon be able to draw just about anything.


Drawing Xxtenations face is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With patience, practice and the right steps, you can create a beautiful and accurate drawing of Xxtenations face. The steps outlined in this article can help you learn how to draw Xxtenations face step by step. In addition, these steps can also help you learn how to draw other faces, characters, animals or objects. With enough practice, you’ll soon be able to draw just about anything.

How to draw xxtenations face step by step