How to draw a zombie face

How to draw a zombie face

Drawing a Spooky Zombie Face

If you want to impress your friends, or just want to give yourself a fright, then drawing a zombie face is the perfect way to do it. Zombies are a classic horror trope and creating your own unique zombie face can be a lot of fun. In this article, we’ll explore the best way to draw a spooky, yet realistic, zombie face.

Gathering Your Supplies

The first step to creating your zombie face is to gather your supplies. You’ll need some paper, a pencil, and a few other art supplies. When selecting paper, make sure to choose a thicker paper so that your drawing won’t smudge or tear. You’ll also want to use a darker pencil so the lines are visible. Once you’ve gathered your supplies, you can start drawing.

Sketching the Basics

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, it’s time to start sketching. Begin by drawing the basic shape of the face. This should include the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. When drawing the eyes, make sure to leave a lot of space between the eyebrows and the eyes themselves. This will help you to create a realistic zombie look. Additionally, the mouth should be slightly open to give the face an eerie look.

Adding Details

Now that the basics of the face are down, it’s time to add some details. Start by adding the shading and texture to the face. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as hatching and crosshatching. Additionally, you can add details such as wrinkles and scars to give the face a more realistic zombie look. When adding details, don’t forget to add some shadows to give the face a more haunting appearance.

Bringing Your Zombie to Life

The last step to creating your zombie face is to bring it to life. This can be done by adding color to the face. Start by adding washable markers and colored pencils to bring out the details of the face. Additionally, you can use watercolor paints to give the face a more life-like appearance. When adding color, make sure to use darker colors to create a more haunting look.

Finishing Touches

Once you’ve added color to your zombie face, it’s time for the finishing touches. Begin by adding some highlights to the face. This can be done by using a white pencil or a white gel pen. Additionally, you can use a white paint marker to give the face a more life-like appearance. Once you’re done, you can then add some additional details, such as blood and gore, to give the face a truly spooky look.

Creating a zombie face is a great way to add a touch of horror to your artwork. With the right supplies, and the right techniques, you can create a realistic and spooky zombie face. Just remember to take your time and enjoy the process. Zombies can be a lot of fun to draw, and you’ll be sure to impress your friends with your finished masterpiece. Plus, drawing a zombie face is a great way to explore your creative side and unleash your inner artist.

The Last Word

Drawing a zombie face is a great way to express your creativity and have a bit of fun. With the right supplies and techniques, you can create a spooky yet realistic zombie face that will be sure to impress your friends. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, drawing a zombie face can be a great way to explore your artistic side and unleash your inner artist. So don’t be afraid to give it a try!

How to draw a zombie face