How to draw a japanese dog

How to draw a japanese dog

Introduction to Drawing a Japanese Dog

Drawing a Japanese dog is not as difficult as it sounds. In fact, it is quite an enjoyable experience that can be done by anyone with a little bit of guidance. The Japanese have a long history of creating beautiful and detailed artwork and a Japanese dog is no exception. The following steps will help you learn how to draw a Japanese dog.

Gathering the Materials

The first step in drawing a Japanese dog is to gather the necessary materials. You will need paper, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, and a ruler. You may also want to use a reference photo of a Japanese dog to help you get an idea of the kind of artwork you are trying to create. Once you have all of the materials, you can start drawing.

When creating your own artwork, it is important to choose quality materials that are made for art projects. This will help to ensure that your artwork is of the highest quality and will last for years to come.

Creating the Outline

The next step in creating a Japanese dog is to create an outline. Start by sketching the basic shape of the dog. This can be done by lightly outlining the body and legs of the dog. Once you have the basic shape of the dog, you can begin to add details such as the eyes, ears, and mouth. As you are drawing, it is important to remember to make sure that everything is symmetrical.

Once you have the outline of the dog completed, you can start to add color to the artwork. It is important to use the correct colors when creating a Japanese dog. You can use a variety of colors to create the desired effect.

Adding Details

The next step in the process is to start adding the details to the dog. This can include things such as fur, whiskers, and other features. You can also add accessories such as a collar or a bow. These details will make the artwork more interesting and unique.

Once you have all of the details added, you can begin to add shading and highlights to the artwork. This will help to create a more realistic look to the artwork. It is important to take your time when adding the details and shading to ensure that the artwork looks its best.

The Final Touches

Once you have added all of the details and shading to the Japanese dog, you can add the final touches. This can include things such as adding a background or adding a frame to the artwork. These final touches will help to make the artwork stand out and complete the artwork.

When you are finished with the artwork, you can hang it on the wall or give it as a gift. This artwork is sure to be a treasured piece for years to come. By following these steps, you will be able to create a beautiful Japanese dog that is sure to be admired.


Drawing a Japanese dog is not as difficult as it may seem. With a few simple steps and quality materials, anyone can create an amazing artwork that will be treasured for years to come. By following the steps outlined above, you will be able to create a beautiful Japanese dog that is sure to be admired. With a bit of practice, you will become a master at Japanese dog drawing. Additionally, with the right materials and techniques, you can create a unique and beautiful piece of artwork that will be cherished for years to come.

How to draw a japanese dog