How to draw a face realistic easy

How to draw a face realistic easy

The Basics

Drawing a realistic face is not as hard as you might think. All it takes is a bit of practice and understanding the basics. You will need to start with some basic shapes, like circles and ovals, to sketch the face. Start by drawing a circle for the head, then add lines for the jaw, chin, and neck. After that, draw two curved lines for the eyebrows and two circles for the eyes. Additionally, draw a curved line for the nose and a line for the lips. Once you have the basic structure of the face, you can start adding details like the ears, hair, wrinkles, and shadows.

In addition to the basics of drawing a realistic face, it is also important to understand the proportions of a face. Proportions are the relative size of facial features, such as the size of the eyes and nose, to each other. To make sure your face looks realistic, it is important to pay attention to the proportions.

Adding Details

After you have the basic structure of the face down, it is time to add details. Start by adding the eyes and eyebrows. For the eyes, draw the pupils, whites, and eyelashes. For the eyebrows, draw the shape and then add the individual hairs. Additionally, draw the nose and lips to add more detail to the face. You can also add details like wrinkles, freckles, and shadows to make the face look more realistic.

In addition to facial features, you can also add details to the hair. Start by drawing the basic shape of the hair and then add individual strands. You can also use shading and highlights to give the hair more depth and realism.


Coloring is an important step in drawing a realistic face. To make the face look more realistic, you should use colors that match the skin tone. Start by adding the base color and then add shadows, highlights, and midtones to give the face more depth and realism. Additionally, you can add blush to the cheeks and lips to make them look more lifelike.

In addition to coloring the face, you can also add color to the eyes. Start by adding the base color and then add highlights and shadows to give the eyes more depth. You can also add colored contacts to make the eyes look more realistic.

Drawing Expressions

Drawing expressions is an important part of making a realistic face. Start by drawing the basic structure of the face and then add details like eyebrows and eyes. After that, you can start drawing different expressions, like a smile or a frown. Pay attention to how the eyebrows and corners of the mouth move when drawing different expressions. You can also add wrinkles around the eyes and mouth to make the expression look more realistic.

In addition to expressions, you can also add emotion to the face. Use shading and highlights to show the light and shadows on the face. You can also use color to add emotion, like using a cool color for a sad face and a warm color for a happy face.


Drawing a realistic face is not easy, but with practice, you can improve your skills. Start by drawing simple faces and then gradually add more details. Additionally, try to draw faces with different expressions and emotions to practice drawing different facial features. Once you have the basics down, you can start experimenting with different styles and techniques to make your drawings look more realistic.

In addition to practice, it is also important to study the human face. Look at photos and paintings of people to see how the facial features are shaped and how the light and shadows affect the face. This will help you understand how to make your drawings look more realistic.


Drawing a realistic face is not an easy task, but with practice and understanding the basics, you can improve your skills. Start with basic shapes and then add details like eyes and eyebrows. Additionally, pay attention to the proportions of the face and use colors to make it look more lifelike. You can also practice drawing different expressions and emotions to make your drawings look more realistic. With practice and dedication, you can learn how to draw a realistic face.

How to draw a face realistic easy