How to draw a face kirsty partridge

How to draw a face kirsty partridge

Gathering Necessary Materials

Drawing a face is a very rewarding experience that can be done by anyone. Before starting, it is important to gather the necessary materials to ensure the best possible outcome. For beginning artists, a pencil, eraser, and paper are all that is needed. Once a few faces have been drawn, colored pencils, markers, or other materials may be added to the list. Additionally, having a reference photo of the face to be drawn can be very helpful.

The reference photo is an essential tool for a successful drawing. Good reference photos should have clear lighting and be close up. If the reference photo is too far away, the details of the face may be lost. Looking at two photos of the same person, one close up and one far away, can help to understand how the details can be lost.

Finding the Proportions of the Face

The proportions of the face are the key to drawing a realistic face. A good way to find the proportions of a face is to do a light sketch of the face without worrying about details. The sketch should include simple guidelines such as the size of the eyes in relation to the nose and the size of the mouth compared to the eyes. These guidelines will help make sure the face is drawn in the correct proportions.

The “rule of thirds” is also an important concept to understand when drawing a face. This rule states that the eyes should be placed a third of the way down from the top of the head, with the nose and mouth placed a third of the way down from the eyes. This will help to create a realistic and aesthetically pleasing face.

Adding Details to the Face

Once the proportions of the face are established, details can be added to complete the drawing. This is where the reference photo is most useful. Looking at the reference photo and copying the details, such as the shape of the eyes and the placement of the eyebrows, will help to create a realistic portrait.

When drawing the hair, it is important to remember that hair does not lay flat against the head. Hair is 3-dimensional, so it is important to draw the hair in such a way that it looks realistic. Paying attention to where the light is hitting the hair and adding shading will help to create a realistic look.

Finishing the Drawing

Finishing the drawing is the last step in creating a realistic face. This is where details such as eyelashes, freckles, and other small details can be added. Additionally, shading can be used to create shadows and give the face more depth.

When shading, it is important to remember that shadows are not just black. Shadows can be any color and any shade, depending on the light. For example, a shadow in the sun will be bright, while a shadow in the shade will be much darker. Adding this variation in the shadows will help to create a realistic face.

Making Corrections and Final Touches

After the drawing is complete, it is important to go back and make any corrections that are needed. This can include making the eyes bigger or smaller, adding more shading, or changing the shape of the nose. Making these corrections will help to create a better finished product.

Once the corrections are made, it is time to add the final touches. This can include adding highlights to the eyes or adding a bit of color to the lips. These small details will help to give the face more life and make it look more realistic.

Finishing the Drawing

Drawing a face can be a very rewarding experience, as it allows artists to create a realistic portrait of someone they admire. Following these steps will help to create a realistic face. Starting with the necessary materials, finding the proportions, adding details, making corrections, and adding the final touches will help to create a realistic portrait. With practice and patience, anyone can learn to draw a realistic face.

How to draw a face kirsty partridge