How to draw a face from any angle

How to draw a face from any angle

Drawing a face from any angle

Drawing a face from any angle can seem like an intimidating task for artists who are just starting out. However, with the right knowledge and practice, it’s possible to create a realistic portrait even if the face is in profile or in three-quarter view. To draw a face from any angle, start by sketching the basic shape of the head and then use reference points to add facial features.

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape of the Head

The first step to drawing a face from any angle is to sketch the basic shape of the head. Start by lightly sketching a circle, then draw two lines that extend outward from the circle. The two lines should be roughly the same length. This will give you the basic shape of the head. Next, add the jawline and chin to the sketch. Don’t forget to add the ears and neck as well.

Step 2: Add Reference Points

Once you have the basic shape of the head down, it’s time to add the facial features. To make it easier, add reference points to the sketch such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. This will help you keep the proportions of the face in check and make it easier to draw the facial features.

Step 3: Draw the Facial Features

Now that you have the reference points in place, it’s time to draw the facial features. Start with the eyes, nose, and mouth. When drawing the eyes, make sure to draw them at the same height. For the nose, draw it from the side view. Lastly, use the reference points to draw the mouth.

Step 4: Shade and Add Details

Once you have the basic shape and features of the face down, it’s time to add shading and details. Start by lightly shading the face to give it some depth. Then, add the eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, and other details. Make sure to use a light hand when shading and adding details so you don’t make the face look too dark.

The Final Touches

The last step to drawing a face from any angle is to add the final touches. Check your drawing to make sure everything looks right and make any necessary adjustments. Then, add a background and any other details you want. Once the drawing is finished, you can proudly display it or show it off to friends and family.

Drawing a face from any angle may seem daunting, but with practice and the right knowledge it’s possible to create a realistic portrait even if the face is in profile or in three-quarter view. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning portraits with ease. Additionally, it’s helpful to use photo references to get a better idea of how to draw the face from any angle. With enough practice and patience, you’ll be a pro in no time.

How to draw a face from any angle