How to draw a face easy girl

How to draw a face easy girl

Drawing a face, especially a female one, can be challenging for beginners. However, with the right steps and tips, it can be easy and fun to do. In this article, we’ll go through the basics of how to draw a face easy girl in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Drawing the Basic Shape
The first step in drawing a face easy girl, is to draw the basic shape of the face. Start by drawing an oval shape. This will be the outline of the head. Then draw a vertical line that goes down the middle of the oval. This will help you keep the proportions of the face even.

Step 2: Sketching the Features
The next step is to sketch the features of the face. Start with the eyes, by drawing two almond shapes. Then draw the nose and mouth. Make sure to draw the eyes and nose in the middle of the face, and the mouth slightly lower than the middle. Once you have the main features sketched, you can add the details such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, and lips.

Step 3: Adding Color and Shading
Once you have the basic shape and features of the face drawn, it’s time to add color and shading. Start by adding a base color to the face. You can use a simple skin tone or a more complex pattern. Then add shades and highlights to give the face more depth. Finally, add any other details such as freckles, moles, or blush.

Step 4: Adding Hair and Accessories
The final step in drawing a face easy girl, is to add the hair and accessories. Start by drawing the basic shape of the hair and then add details such as curls or waves. Then add any accessories such as glasses, hats, or jewelry. You can also add makeup or other details to make the face look even more realistic.

Finishing Touches
Once you have finished drawing the face, it’s time to add the finishing touches. Check for any uneven lines or proportions and adjust accordingly. You can also add shadows or highlights to give the face more dimension. Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and your drawing is complete!

Drawing a face easy girl may seem complicated, but with the right steps and tips, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can learn how to draw a face easy girl in a few simple steps. With practice, you will be able to create more complex and realistic faces. So don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with the process!

How to draw a face easy girl