How to draw a face boy step by step

How to draw a face boy step by step

Drawing a face of boy step by step

Drawing faces of people can be a tricky challenge, but it is a great way to practice your skills in the world of art. Below is a step-by-step guide for how to draw a face of a boy.

Step 1: Sketch the Shapes

The first step in drawing a face of a boy is to sketch the basic shapes. Start by drawing a circle for the head. Then draw a line from the bottom of the circle to the center to indicate the chin. Then add a line from the top of the circle to the center to indicate the forehead. Finally, draw two curved lines for the cheeks and a line for the nose.

You can also draw guidelines for the eyes, mouth and hair. You can use a ruler or a pencil to draw these guidelines. At this stage, it is important to take your time and make sure the proportions are correct.

Step 2: Add the Details

The second step is to add the details to the face. Start by drawing two eyes and a nose. Then draw two eyebrows and a mouth. Finally, add the hair.

You can use pencils of different colors to add more details such as shading, highlights, and shadows. This will help create a more realistic drawing.

Step 3: Refine the Drawing

The third step is to refine the drawing. Look carefully at your drawing and make sure the lines are clean and the proportions are correct. You can use an eraser to erase any mistakes or lines that you don’t want.

You can also use different drawing materials such as markers or colored pencils to add more details and textures to your drawing.

Step 4: Add Color

The fourth step is to add color to your drawing. You can use colored pencils or markers to add color to the face. You can also use watercolors or acrylic paints to create a more vibrant effect.

When adding color, it is important to pay attention to the shadows and highlights. This will help create depth and realism to your drawing.

Step 5: Final Touches

The fifth and final step is to add the final touches to your drawing. You can use an eraser to clean up any mistakes or lines that you don’t want. You can also use colored pencils or markers to add more details and textures.

When you are finished, your drawing should look like a realistic face of a boy.

The Final Result

By following these steps, you can create a realistic drawing of a face of a boy. Drawing faces of people can be a challenging task, but with practice and patience, you can create stunning art.

Remember to take your time and be patient when drawing. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process. With enough practice, you can create amazing drawings of people’s faces.

How to draw a face boy step by step