How to draw a dog in easy way

How to draw a dog in easy way

How to draw a dog with simple steps

Drawing a dog can be a daunting task. But with a few simple steps, you can draw a beautiful dog in no time. First, you need to have a basic idea of the anatomy of a dog. Knowing the shapes and proportions of a dog’s body will help you draw it accurately. Then, you will need to decide on the type of dog you want to draw. There are many breeds of dogs, each with its own unique characteristics.

Once you have decided on the type of dog, you can start sketching the outline of your dog. Draw a large circle for the head and two smaller circles for the eyes. Then draw the ears and nose. Next, draw the body and legs. Make sure to keep the proportions accurate and draw the legs in the proper position. Finally, draw the tail and fur. You can add details such as eyes, whiskers, and fur texture to make your dog look more realistic.

Bringing your dog to life with colors

Now that you have the outline of your dog, you can start adding colors to it. Start by coloring the eyes and nose. Then, add a base color to the coat. You can use different shades of the same color to add texture and depth. You can also use different colors to accentuate the features of the dog. Add highlights and shadows to make your dog look more realistic. Finally, you can add details such as fur texture, shadows, and highlights to bring your dog to life.

Adding details to your drawing

Adding details to your drawing will help it look more realistic. Start by adding the eyes and whiskers. Then add the fur texture. Use different shades and tones of color to make the fur look realistic. You can also draw the fur in layers to make it look more realistic. Finally, you can add the details of the dog’s collar and other accessories.

Practicing drawing a dog

Drawing a dog is not an easy task. It requires a lot of practice and patience. Start by drawing simple shapes and gradually add more details. Practice drawing different breeds of dogs, as each breed has its own unique features. Practice drawing the same dog multiple times to get the proportions right. This will help you become more familiar with the anatomy of the dog.

Tips to make your drawing look realistic

To make your drawing look more realistic, you can use techniques such as shading and highlighting. Use different tones and shades of color to add depth and texture to your drawing. You can also use different pencil strokes to create fur texture. Finally, use a blending tool to soften the edges and create a smooth transition between different colors.


Drawing a dog is not as hard as it seems. With a few simple steps and some practice, you can draw a beautiful dog. Start by having a basic understanding of the anatomy of the dog and then decide on the type of dog you want to draw. Then, sketch the outline of the dog and start adding colors to it. Finally, add details such as eyes, whiskers, fur texture, and accessories to make your dog look more realistic. With practice and patience, you will be able to draw a beautiful dog in no time.

How to draw a dog in easy way