How to draw a cat zombie

How to draw a cat zombie


Drawing a cat zombie requires precision and a bit of practice. It’s a fun and creative way to let your imagination run wild, while also honing your drawing skills. In this article, we will go through the basic steps to create a realistic cat zombie that you can be proud of!

Materials Needed

Before you start, you will need to have some basic supplies. You will need paper, a pencil, eraser, and some colored pencils or markers for the final touches. You may also want to have a reference image of a cat and a zombie that you can use as a guide.

Sketching the Outline

Start by sketching the outline of your cat zombie. It’s important to keep the proportions correct, so make sure the body parts are all in the right place. Look at your reference image to help you get the shapes and sizes right. Once the outline is done, you can start adding details.

Adding Details

Now you can start adding details to your cat zombie. Start by adding the fur and other textures to the body. This is where you can get creative and let your imagination run wild! You can also add some clothes or accessories to your cat zombie, like a hat or a cape.


When you are happy with the details, it’s time to color your cat zombie. You can use colored pencils or markers for this step. You can make your cat zombie look realistic or you can go wild and add some crazy colors and patterns!

Finishing Touches

Finally, you can add some final touches to make your cat zombie look more realistic. You can add shadows and highlights to give the drawing some depth. You can also add some background elements to your cat zombie to make it look more complete.


Drawing a cat zombie is a fun and creative way to unleash your imagination and practice your drawing skills. With some patience and practice, you can create a realistic cat zombie that you can be proud of! Don’t be afraid to get creative and add your own unique touches to make your cat zombie stand out.

How to draw a cat zombie