How to draw a cat yawning

How to draw a cat yawning

Gathering Supplies

Before you start drawing a cat yawning, you will need to gather all the right supplies. This includes pencils, paper, and erasers. You should also have a sharpener handy, as well as a ruler to help you draw straight lines. Additionally, you may want to use an art pad for a smoother surface. To finish off, it’s always a good idea to have a reference image of a cat yawning, as this will help you to recreate the pose accurately. Drawing from an image of a real cat is also a great way to get more realistic results. The same goes for a variety of other animals, including dogs, horses, and more.

Outlining The Cat

Once you have all the supplies you need, you can start the process of drawing a cat yawning. Begin by outlining the shape of the cat, making sure to keep the proportions accurate. You can use the ruler to draw straight lines, and look back at the reference image to double check your work. This is also a good time to draw the cat’s facial features, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and whiskers. Additionally, you may want to draw the limbs and tail of the cat, to make sure the pose looks realistic. Drawing a few preliminary sketches can also be helpful if you’re struggling with the outline.

Adding The Details

Once you’re happy with the outline, you can start adding the details to the drawing. Begin by drawing the fur of the cat, making sure to take into account the direction of the fur. This is a great opportunity to add some shading to the drawing, and to make the drawing look more realistic. You may also want to add some highlights to the fur, to make the drawing look more vibrant. Additionally, you may want to draw the cat’s tongue, as this will add to the yawning effect.

Coloring The Cat

Once you’re done with the details, you can start to color the drawing. This can be done with colored pencils, markers, or even paint. You may want to start with the lighter colors, such as white and cream, and then gradually add darker colors. Additionally, you may want to use a variety of shades to add more depth to the drawing. You may also want to experiment with different textures, such as adding a bit of fur texture to the drawing.

Finishing Touches

Once you have finished coloring the drawing, you can add the finishing touches. This includes adding some small details such as whiskers, fur texture, and highlights. You should also add some shading to the drawing, as this will help to create a three-dimensional effect. Additionally, you may want to add some background elements, such as trees or grass, to make the drawing feel more complete. You can also add some text to the drawing to give it a unique look.

Final Thoughts

Drawing a cat yawning can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right supplies and techniques, you can create a realistic and lifelike drawing that you can be proud of. Additionally, you can use the same techniques to draw other animals, such as dogs, horses, and more. Experimenting with different textures and colors can also help you to create stunning results. Overall, drawing a cat yawning is a great way to practice your drawing skills and to create something unique.

How to draw a cat yawning