How to draw a cat preschool

How to draw a cat preschool

Introduction to Cat Drawing

Drawing cats is a great way for young kids to learn how to draw. It’s a fun activity that can help to develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Drawing cats is also a great way to introduce preschoolers to the basics of art and practice different shapes. In this article, we’ll look at how to draw a cat preschool style.

Starting with the Head

The first step to drawing a cat is to draw the head. Start by making two rounded shapes for the ears, then draw a curved line for the mouth and two larger circles for the eyes. Next, draw a curved line to connect the two eyes and a smaller curved line to connect the two ears. Finally, draw two curved lines to complete the head shape.

Preschoolers can gain a lot from drawing cats. It’s a great way to introduce them to the basics of art and help them to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. In addition, it’s a fun and easy way to practice drawing different shapes.

Adding the Body

Once the head is finished, it’s time to draw the body. Start by drawing a curved line from the head down to the bottom of the paper. Then draw two small circles for the paws and two curved lines for the tail. Finally, draw a curved line for the back and two more curved lines for the front legs.

Drawing cats can also help to teach preschoolers about basic animal anatomy. By drawing the different body parts, children can learn how the cat is put together and how the different parts move. This can be a great way to introduce them to the world of animals.

Adding Fur and Whiskers

Once the basic outline of the cat is finished, it’s time to add some fur and whiskers. To do this, draw small curved lines all over the body to give the cat a furry look. Then draw two curved lines on each side of the face for the whiskers. Finally, draw two circles for the nose and two dots for the eyes.

In addition to helping children learn about basic animal anatomy, drawing cats can also help them to practice their drawing skills. By adding fur and whiskers, children can learn how to draw different textures and practice shading.

Finishing Touches

Once the basic outline and fur are finished, it’s time to add some finishing touches. Start by drawing a curved line for the mouth and two curved lines for the claws. Then draw a curved line for the belly and two small circles for the paws. Finally, draw a curved line for the tail and two curved lines for the whiskers.

Drawing cats is a great way to introduce preschoolers to the basics of art and help them to practice their drawing skills. By adding fur and whiskers, children can learn how to draw different textures and practice shading. In addition, it’s a great way to help them learn about basic animal anatomy and develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.


Drawing cats is a great way to introduce preschoolers to the basics of art and help them to practice different shapes. It’s also a great way to teach them about basic animal anatomy and help to develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. By adding fur and whiskers, children can learn how to draw different textures and practice shading. Drawing cats is a fun and easy activity that can help to foster creativity and imagination in young kids.

How to draw a cat preschool