How to draw a cat looking sideways

How to draw a cat looking sideways

Gathering the necessary supplies

To draw a cat looking sideways, you’ll need some basic supplies. You’ll need a pencil or a pen, some paper, and a few erasers or a kneaded eraser. You should have some shading supplies as well, such as a blending stump, tortillions, and some charcoal pencils. Having a reference photo of a cat looking sideways is also very helpful. You may also want some colored pencils or markers, depending on what type of drawing you’re planning to do. Additionally, a ruler can help you to draw straight lines and a protractor can help you draw circles.

Gather all of your supplies and set them up in a comfortable spot. It’s important to have a good working space with plenty of lighting. Additionally, you may want something to sit on that’s comfortable and has enough space to spread out your tools.

Starting with the basic shape

Once you have all of your supplies, start by drawing the basic shape of the cat. You will use basic shapes such as circles and ovals to get the size and shape of the head and body right. You will also need to draw a few lines to indicate the arms and legs. To draw a cat looking sideways, make sure to draw the lines at a slight angle from the side. When you have the basic shape drawn, use your eraser to clean up any lines that you don’t need.

Once the basic shape is done, you can start to add details. You can start by drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth. To draw the eyes, draw two small circles, then add a tiny dot in the middle. To draw the nose, draw a small triangle. To draw the mouth, draw a curved line across the face.

Adding details and shading

Now that the basic shape and details are done, you can start to add more details. Start by drawing the ears, whiskers, and fur. To draw the ears, draw two small triangles at the top of the head. To draw the whiskers, draw three or four curved lines on each side of the nose. To draw the fur, draw small curved lines around the face, head, and body.

Once the details are done, you can start to shade the drawing. Start by using a light shading pencil, such as a 2B or 4B. Use long, smooth strokes to build up the shading. Start with the lightest shadows and gradually move to the darker shadows. You can use a blending stump to blend the shading and make it look more realistic.

Adding the finishing touches

Once the shading is done, you can start to add the finishing touches. Start by adding a few highlights in the eyes and nose. You can also add some more fur to the face, head, and body. If you are using colored pencils or markers, you can start to add color to the fur. Finally, you can use a kneaded eraser to add some texture and highlights to the fur.

Practice makes perfect

Drawing a cat looking sideways can be challenging at first, but with practice, you will get better. As you practice, be sure to pay attention to the details and make sure everything looks realistic. Take your time and be patient. With practice, you will be able to draw cats looking sideways with ease.

The importance of practice

Drawing a cat looking sideways requires patience and practice. Take your time and focus on the details. Make sure the eyes, nose, and mouth look realistic. Pay attention to the shading and add highlights and textures to the fur. With practice, you will be able to draw cats looking sideways with ease.

In conclusion, drawing a cat looking sideways is a great way to practice your drawing skills. It may be challenging at first, but with practice and patience, you’ll be able to draw cats looking sideways with ease. To get started, gather all of your supplies and set up a comfortable workspace. Start by drawing the basic shape and add details such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. After that, you can start to shade and add the finishing touches. With enough practice, you’ll be able to draw cats looking sideways with ease.

How to draw a cat looking sideways