How to draw a cat head easy

How to draw a cat head easy

Getting Started

Drawing a cat head is one of the easiest things to do, even for beginners. All you need is a pencil, some paper, and a little bit of patience. To begin, you’ll want to draw a basic shape for the head. It should resemble a triangle with one side slightly curved. You can then add the ears, eyes, and nose to complete the basic outline. Once this is done, you’ll be ready to start adding details.

When it comes to the details, the key is to keep it simple. You don’t want to get too carried away with the details right away. Start by adding some fur and whiskers, then move on to the more intricate details like the mouth and the eyes. Drawing the eyes can be tricky, but if you take your time and practice, you can get them just right.

Adding Color

Once you have the basic shape and details of the cat head drawn, it’s time to start adding color. You don’t need to use a lot of colors, just a few will do. Try to use colors that will bring out the features of the cat head, like the eyes, nose, and ears. You can also use some shading to give the cat head more dimension.

When adding color, you want to be careful not to use too much. The key is to keep it subtle. Too much color can make the head look messy and unnatural. Also, you don’t want to use too many different colors, just a few that will bring out the best features of the cat head.

Finishing Touches

Once you have the basic shape and details of the cat head drawn, you can start adding the finishing touches. This includes adding any extra details you may want to add, such as whiskers, fur, and eyes. You can also add some shading to give the cat head more depth and realism.

When it comes to the eyes, you want to make sure they look realistic. Take your time when drawing them and use a light hand. Too much color or too much detail can make the eyes look unnatural. Also, don’t forget to add the pupils. This will help bring the eyes to life.

Adding the Background

When you’re done drawing the cat head, it’s time to add the background. This can be anything you want, from a simple pattern to a complex landscape. You can also use colors to make the background stand out, or use a mix of colors and patterns to create a unique look.

When it comes to the background, you want to make sure it doesn’t take away from the cat head. Too much detail in the background can make the cat head look lost, so keep it simple. You can also use a more subtle background to make the cat head really stand out.

Find Your Style

Once you have the basic shape and details of the cat head drawn, it’s time to find your own style. Experiment with different techniques and materials to create a unique look. You can use different colors, lines, and textures to give the cat head a unique feel.

You can also experiment with different poses. Try drawing the cat head in different positions, such as sitting, laying down, or even running. This will help you find the style that works best for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

Final Thoughts

Drawing a cat head is not difficult, but it does take practice. Start with the basics and slowly add the details until you create a realistic and unique looking cat head. You can also experiment with different techniques and materials to find your own style. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be able to draw a cat head that looks just like the real thing. Additionally, you can use the same principles to draw other animals. By developing your drawing skills, you can create amazing artwork of any creature you can imagine.

How to draw a cat head easy