How to draw a cat easy step by step for beginners

How to draw a cat easy step by step for beginners

Gather the supplies needed

Before beginning on how to draw a cat, you must gather all the supplies you need. This includes paper, a pencil or pen, an eraser, and some colored pencils or markers. To make it easier to draw, use a blank sheet of paper and some graphite pencils. The pencils can help you to draw finer details and the eraser can help you fix any mistakes. Also, have some colored pencils or markers handy if you want to add some color to the final product.

In terms of paper, you can use any type of paper you have on hand such as printer paper, construction paper, or even a sketchbook. When it comes to pencils and pens, choose whatever type you feel most comfortable with. Graphite pencils are generally easier to work with, but you can also use colored pencils, pens, or markers if you like.

Sketch the outline of the cat

Begin by sketching the outline of the cat. Start by drawing a circle for the head and then draw two lines from the head for the body. You can add two curves for the legs and two triangles for the ears. Then, draw a curved line for the tail. This is the basic outline of the cat and you can adjust it as you go. Make sure to draw lightly since you’ll be erasing some of the lines later.

To create a more realistic looking cat, you can add more details to the outline. You can draw the eyes, nose, and whiskers. You can also draw the fur on the body and face. Drawing the fur will give your cat a more realistic look. You can also add other details such as a collar, a bow, or a bell.

Draw the details and color your cat

Now that you have the outline of the cat, it’s time to draw the finer details. You can draw the eyes, nose, and whiskers in greater detail. You can also add fur to the body and face. Once you’re finished with the details, you can color your cat. You can use colored pencils, markers, or even crayons to color the cat. Use lighter colors for the fur and darker colors for the eyes, nose, and whiskers.

When it comes to coloring the cat, you can be as creative as you want. You can add stripes, dots, or other patterns to the fur. You can also add accessories such as a collar, a bow, or a bell. Have fun and experiment with different colors and patterns to create a unique looking cat.

Shade the drawing

The last step to drawing a cat is to shade the drawing. This will help to give the cat a more realistic look. To shade the drawing, use a darker colored pencil or marker. You can also use a blending tool such as a paper towel or a blending stump. Start by shading the darker areas such as the eyes, nose, and whiskers. You can then add shading to the fur to give it a more realistic look. Also, don’t forget to shade the shadows to make the cat look more three-dimensional.

When shading, make sure to use smooth, even strokes. Start with light strokes and gradually add more pressure as you go. You can also use an eraser to fix any mistakes.

Finishing touches

When you’re done with the shading, you can add some finishing touches to your cat drawing. You can add more details such as fur, stripes, or other patterns. You can also add accessories such as a collar, a bow, or a bell. Once you’re finished, you can add a background to your drawing. You can draw a simple background such as a grassy field or a sky with clouds. You can also add a more complex background such as a landscape or a cityscape.

Finally, you can add a frame to your drawing. You can use a thin black marker to draw a thin border around the drawing. This will help to make your drawing look more finished.

Bringing it all together

Drawing a cat can seem like a daunting task, but with a few simple steps, you can create a beautiful and realistic looking cat drawing. Gather the supplies you need such as paper, a pencil or pen, an eraser, and some colored pencils or markers. Begin by sketching the outline of the cat and then draw the finer details. Once you’re finished, you can color the cat and shade the drawing. Finally, you can add some finishing touches such as a background and a frame. With these steps, you’ll be able to create a stunning cat drawing.

Drawing cats is a great way to express yourself and explore your creativity. With a bit of practice and patience, you can create beautiful cat drawings. So, grab your supplies and start drawing!

How to draw a cat easy step by step for beginners